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WOD - Wednesday 2021-03-03

Writer's picture: Coaches @ CrossFit MXLCoaches @ CrossFit MXL


Whoa. Hand on tight for this one. A 21 minute EMOM (every minute on the minute) with rowing, burpees, and double unders. Don’t worry about the prescribed numbers - the goal here is to find a challenging volume for each movement that can be completed in around 40 seconds (when fresh), and then hang on tight through all 7 rounds. This is sure to send the heart rate sky high, so be mindful of your breathing, and focus on taking full advantage of whatever rest you have during each interval.


5 Rounds

  • 15 Squats

  • 10 Scap push-ups + 3 push-ups

  • 30 Jumping jacks

40 seconds of 85% effort of:

  • Row

  • Burpees

  • Double unders


Emom 21

20/15 Cal Row

16 Burpees

70 Double unders


3 min of light movement, focusing on getting back to full nasal breathing.

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